Must Have Kitchen Tools For Fruit Lovers

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Fruits are the nature’s treat to add some valour and passion to our lives. Imagine the variety of ways to have a fruit, some you squirt, some you peel, some you cut, some you pop into mouth! Some seeds are edible that adds crunch to the fruit that you eat, some are discarded after you squeeze out the goodness in rind, some you need to spit while slurping on the fruit you struggle to chew without spurting its juice out, some can grow to a whole new plant in your kitchen garden!

You can eat the fruits raw, press them to juice, add in your salads, mingle with custard, top the fruits on the tart crust, or make baked desserts, or when bored, you can just make them into a preserve and store them for a future use.

Here are a few general health benefits of eating fruits regularly:

  1. Fruits are a storehouse of water and primarily provide our body the minerals that are needed. Lot of the fruits have a plenty of potassium, fiber, folic acid, Vitamin C and more.
  2. They drastically reduce the urge to plop more and more food into our system by serving as a filling mid meal snacks.
  3. Fruits have a lot of phytochemicals that are discovered to be beneficial to our health in short and long run.
  4. 2 to 2-1/2 cups of fruits are recommended per day and the seasonal fruits with no preservatives or additives will ensure a healthy digestive system.
  5. Apart from its health benefits, fruits add colour, vigour, experience and appeal to your meal plate.
  6. Keep type 2 diabetes, and many more diseases and disorders at bay by eating seasonal fruits.

We will need various tools to decipher a fruit. Grapes, and berry like fruits are washed and plopped in or just peeled with fingers like banana or oranges, but many fruits also need tools to get the edible part out and make it look all the while more fancy and lovable that makes life considerably easy. We have listed down those few tools that will elevate your fruit-eating experience to the next level and make you love the experience of eating a fruit even before you sink your teeth into its pulp!


Peeler is a tool that is a must when making a fruit salad or a mixed fruit bowl. Some fruits that come with a thick or inedible skin that needs to be peeled off. When you are including raw fruits in side dishes and more recipes, this peeler becomes a necessity. Glide on the surface of fruit with a sharp peeler to find the juicy fruit-flesh within.

fruit peeler

2.Melon Corer

Watermelon was earlier a seasonal fruit that was available in summers. And with it, many other melons like muskmelon, cantaloupe, honey dew, and more. But cutting the bigger melons like watermelon can be quite messy. A melon corer and server seems like a nice and mess free idea, instead of slicing up a whole melon with large knife and then juggling with each slice to chop further.

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3.Kiwi Cutter

Love sour and sweetish ripe kiwi? This little tool is exclusive for kiwis. Now you need not dribble any of the kiwi juice to go waste. While the slices come neat and clean, you can pack the slices to office or into kids lunch box for snack time, or include in salads. No more picking out of fruit from a spoon and paining kiwi any more with this tool!

kiwi cutter

4.Pineapple Corer

Many of us feel it difficult to slice a pineapple owing to the pines on the surface. This pineapple Corer is a blessing to make the recipes of pineapples, be it just spicy pineapple chaat or a skewer with fruit and cheese. You just need to chop of the crown of the fruit and work this tool spirally. The core is also separated in the process that gives a great appeal to each slice you use.

pinapple core

5.Fruit Cutters

Kids are picky eaters who have an opinion on any food we give them and it many times seems hard to convince them eat their veggies and fruits. Shaping the fruits with the help of fancy fruit cutters and cookie cutters will come to great help in filling up the kids snack box for their schools.

fruit cutter cookie cutter

6.Paring Knife

Paring knife is a basic necessity in handling fruits. These are needed to dig into fruit with their smooth and blunt looking edge. Carving out the pulp out of any fleshy fruit needs a paring knife that you will find best suited for almost any job with fruits, even for picking the stubs off strawberries.

paring knife

Who doesn't love a neat slice of an apple, guava or chickoo? The apple Corer easily slices up the apple and in just one stroke! Isn't that amazing? You can use this for similar smaller fruits too, like pear. For chickoo or a guava, the Corer in the middle of the cutter might not prove useful, though.

apple cutter