Things To Eat & Not to Eat if You Have Sensitive Teeth

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We are all affected with tooth sensitivity at some point or the other and it happens when we eat or drink something hot, cold or extremely sour. This happens when the food that we eat reaches a nerve in our tooth causing tooth sensitivity.

There is not just one reason for this nerve exposure. A good set of teeth, over a period of time can wear down with the simple act of brushing too hard. So let’s look at foods we that can eat and foods that we should avoid when faced with sensitive teeth.

1 - Eat Soft and Well Cooked Foods

Sensitive teeth always require you to eat foods that are low in acids, soft to chew and foods that cause less impact to the gums. 

Foods like smoothies, yogurt, soft banana breads, well-cooked rice, pastas and lentils which are of a soup like consistency are foods that would be easy on the teeth and gums when you have teeth sensitivity.

You can also pack soft sandwiches for lunch with the edges cut off along with chutney to add flavor.

2 - Avoid Hot, Cold, Acidic & Hard Foods

Most often when we have sensitive teeth, we find it hard to eat foods that are cold, that are sour and even when it is too hot.

Avoid foods like a hot cup of coffee, soup or tea when you have sensitive teeth. Bring them down to luke-warm temperature before you can consume them, so it does not irritate your gums. You can even try sipping them in small amounts to minimize contact with the teeth.

Cold foods like ice creams can cause a lot of sensation when there is tooth sensitivity.

It is also believed that acidic foods like lemons, vinegar, and pickles can wear away the enamel of the tooth and also aggravate tooth sensitivity.

Avoid eating foods that are hard to chew and have a crush. Foods like candy, caramel, hard chips, snacks can cause discomfort to the teeth.

3 - Use a Good Tooth Paste & See a Dentist To Get Treatment

At the end of the day, there are only a few things that we can do at home and the rest we leave to professionals.

Do make sure you use the right kind of toothpaste. I believe that Sensodyne is one of the leading brands for sensitive teeth.  Toothpaste can make a big difference in not only your enjoyment of everyday life, but in your overall oral health.

And of course there is your dentist who you must be consulted to give you the relief with treatments they suggest if your teeth need repair.

In the meanwhile, why don’t you take this test to help determine if you have sensitive teeth or not: Take Sensitivity Test

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