Summer is an excellent time to try out new things. And while you may get to go on vacation and learn how to deep sea dive or take up a brand-new hobby such as hiking or mountain climbing, it is also fun time to try out new foods, especially dishes that have a fiery south-of-the-border flavor. For your next summer dinner party, try out one or two of these delicious Chilean main dishes that will surely keep your guests coming back for more.

Juggling between family and work to managing home, often I miss out on eating healthy and at the right times. At the back of my mind, I am well aware that my body is missing some essential nutrients that are needed to keep our mental and physical energy levels high.

Everyone knows that Yoga strengthens the body physically as well as mentally. But did you know that it can also strengthen your immune system?

We are pretty sure you can recall collagen as an ingredient in some of your favourite skin products or from the various beauty related articles that you might have come across. But what exactly is collagen you might wonder. Collagen is the most abundantly found main structural protein in our bodies, in fact in mammals it makes up for 25%-35% of the protein content of the whole body. Collagen is found in the innermost layer of our skin and is best known for keeping our skin looking radiant and youthful. It is also found in hair, nails and intestinal tissue.

Engaging the kids during their summer break and the initial days of academic year when the teaching and lessons are yet to run full throttle can be very daunting. Kids complain of boredom many times no matter how busy they are during the day. To relish the offset of summer in India and to celebrate their time back in school, how about arranging an amazing pool side party at home?

A new study shows that healthy fat intake does not translate into weight gain

Ease monthly bloating, cramps and other symptoms of PMS with these yoga moves.

Indian cuisine has a wide spread of recipes that adapt many cooking techniques like steaming, boiling, sautéing, searing, deep or shallow frying, or baking in earthen oven. The delectable taste and smell when you cook in a pot or pan specifically meant for the recipe imparts a lasting impression in our experiences. Who can forget the smell of sizzling tadka prepared in a cast iron tadka pan? And how can we ignore that just a few drops of oil is required to make koftas in a paniyaram pan?

An apple a day, it is said, keeps the doctor away. In modern times, we could well replace the apple with oats.

Every time we decide on a team outing, we identify place with a lot of food and we have a ball of a time trying the signature recipes of the eatery. And when we have team lunch planned, we make sure we visit a new restaurant with a unique cuisine to try. Food experience definitely opens up our brains for the discussions up on our plate. All of us are foodies in one place who sit, laugh, eat together and also explore the next exciting plans we can present to all of you!

These Bodyweight Exercises work out multiple muscle groups, burn more fat and best of all – can be performed anytime, anywhere.

Vegan diet? Give yourself a health boost with this list of vegan superfoods.

The right foods can help facilitate muscular development and lean tissue growth

These seven yoga poses will address the symptoms and root causes of neck pain

Pace things up at your next yoga session to burn calories and build lean muscle

India is a country that embraces changes faster if the change is for betterment. Be it economy or kitchens, we are transitional at all times. We love learning and implementing new things that we come across. Especially when it comes to building or remodeling the house that we live in, we put in our extra effort to assure that the house has freshest of popular designs in our budget. With increased ease of operating from an open kitchen, a lot of Indian families are loving its idea in their living space.

We all have sugar cravings at some time or another. But there are healthier alternatives to get that sugar fix without compromising your health. Read more.

Often ignored and overlooked, seeds are powerhouses of health. Rich in nutrients, essential amino acids, and healthy fats, the benefits of seeds are manifold!

Regular exercise sets up a series of chemical reactions in the brain and releases chemicals that lift your mood

On Dussehra, allow good choices to outweigh the bad in your diet by learning to differentiate between good fat and bad fat.

Traditional Indian Kitchen brings the memory of freshly roasted spices, jaggery and coconut being grated and the pungency you smell when you open a container with red chilli powder. When one enters a traditional kitchen, you can find these smell that flares the appetite in your stomach. The rhythmic sound of slicing veggies or the hiss of making dosas, appams or sizzling of tadka brings in the homeliness and comfort.

Learn how to activate glutes to ensure the right set of muscles are used during your workout and prevent the occurrence of injuries

Apart from tackling stress and depression naturally, yoga can lower blood pressure, cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease