Maggi, one of the most favourite instant noodles of India, unanimously liked by all ages, be it kids or grandparents. Whether at home or in the midst of Himalayas, Maggi has been a saviour in our lives, readily quenching our hungriness. For many, Maggi has been synonymous with our lifestyles and a reason for happiness & togetherness, bringing in a whole bunch of memories & experiences.

From promoting heart health to weight loss, Coconut and Olive oil both carry a wealth of benefits

The pressure cookers we know today and have been using for generations in India, have been a standard. With the growth in technology in various other fields, there has not been much improvements in the most used kitchen equipment, until today. Pressure cooker's have been an important cooking medium in India. It is used in multiple ways by stacking multiple containers or using them as a single pot to cook dals and curries.  

These 7 easy moves, done every day, will ensure that you reclaim your waist and tummy

Rich in beneficial nutrients, quinoa is a superfood that can help improve heart, metabolic and immune health

Try these yoga moves to improve blood circulation, stimulate abdominal organs and improve digestion

Packing a lunch box to work requires efficient planning of groceries and what you plan to cook for the week. A lot of times, we are short of ideas and end up taking the same Roti, Sabzi and Salad to work. But look at the brighter side, taking a lunch box not just saves your money, but also will help you in eating healthy, eating in the right portions and may be help in your weight loss efforts if you have one.

Apart from keeping your digestive system ship-shape, fibre can protect against cancer and heart disease

These yoga asanas will boost your metabolism and give your body the ability to burn fat faster

The star of a wholesome dinner is definitely the food that’s had hours of culinary expertise behind its preparation, but the structure that holds it all together and enhances the aesthetics of the dining experience is definitely the dinnerware. A chef will tell you this that however minimalistic the kitchen is in terms of cookware and kitchen appliances, stunning pieces of dinnerware play a vital role in sprucing up an exquisite dinner party or a customary family dinner.

Eating fresh home cooked food and packing lunch to work is an integral part of the Indian culture. Many of us are becoming increasingly aware that eating homemade food is healthier than eating in office canteens. Having said that, many of us also find that the lunch boxes in the market are bulky,does not retain heat and are not leak proof.

We believe desserts are the most important part of any meal, and all the fats need to be saved up for a hearty dessert. A meal becomes more interesting when we know there is a delicious dessert waiting for the end. 

Bhujia a crispy snack that is obtained from a small town called “Bikaner” in Rajasthan. The Bhujias are usually made from two main ingredients, which are moth beans and besan (nothing but gram flour). They are fried and flavoured with different kind of spice mixes to create various flavour.  

Eating healthy aimed at long term well being is the goal of health conscious foodies. Though there are several diet types that are popular which include many fad diets, there are fewer diets that really do matter and make a positive impact on the health issue in focus. Consuming healthy and avoiding unhealthy eating is the core concept of any diet we choose, with an emphasis on the objective that we want to achieve through a particular kind of diet. Here are the chosen 4 types of diets that you must know about.

The Food Network's show Kitchen Casino ran a single season in 2014. The Food Network's show was a bizarre combination of extreme cuisine and high-stakes gambling all at the same time. However, it was cancelled the same year it aired because of low ratings and was much maligned by critical reviews. Eight episodes was the extent of its lifespan.

The casino experience doesn't limit itself to the bright lights and sounds of the casino halls but also in some splendid restaurants aiming to tantalise your taste buds and heighten your senses further. So why not combine having a fine dining experience with trying your luck in the casino?

While contemporary and modular kitchens are slowly becoming popular in India, we still have a large percentage of transitional, country styled kitchens which carry the aura of being cosy and bring in a sense of comfort. While the rustic-styled Indian kitchens have open shelves, minimal kitchen appliances, and are usually characterised with a country chimney or exhaust fans than electric chimneys.

Squash are the harvest of winter and comes in various shapes and sizes. The squash are roasted, baked, cubed, pan fried, grated or pureed and used in various recipes. Soups and curries made with squash goes into main course. Lot of squash also is used to make pies, gnocchi & risotto. Salads, soups, burritos and quesadillas can be completed with squashes. It gives a silky and creamy texture to most dishes it is combined into.

Does life feel stagnant? Sometimes we feel we need a kick start and a whole heap of motivation to change our life for the better. Whether you’re wanting to get fit, move house, think about a new career or revive your relationship – you have the power to do it! You just need… to do it? Read out helpful tips below!

Woman is the powerhouse that keeps everyone else around her alive and kicking. Her duty towards her family is most adored and the balance that she maintains between her work life and personal life is a legendary tale that a man seldom beats. The nutritional requirements of a woman amidst all the other achievements of her day many times takes a back seat. Here is a write up about the nutrients that are most required by women. Though some amount of these nutrients is present in the foods that we consume on day to day basis, special attention is required to fulfil the recommended level of vital nutrients.