Making cooking fun, interesting and easy add in a great value to the recipes cooked. Various kitchen appliances eases our work in kitchen by making everyday tasks simpler. While the Indian kitchens seldom had complicated equipments in everyday cooking, now we have gelled so well with these electronic appliances that a working kitchen without them would be challenging to operate. Here are 7 quintessential countertop appliances every Indian kitchen must have to help cooking in limited time and with a lot more variety in everyday cooking.

Mixer grinder's are one of the most important kitchen appliances which every Indian kitchen must have.The use case in a Indian kitchen is more than just making a milk shake or a smoothie. We use mixer grinders for making idli dosa batter, tomato puree, milk shakes, juices, chutneys, spice powders and much much more. If you have a small kitchen, you would want to optimize on the  storage and counter space and keep it clutter free.

Cooking is a form of art. Foodies always search for innovative foods to try and traditional folks stick to what is passed on since generations. Both ways are perfectly fine! But how you cook what you cook becomes crucial and we often find ourselves faltering in method, or taste or both sometimes. What if you could cook with grace like a pro, every time you are in kitchen? Yes, we agree hands down that cooking is art that is mastered with time. But here are a few tips that will help you be the perfect home chef you always want to be. Take a look at 7 Chef's secrets that home cooks need to know.

I need a cup of hot chocolate or a steaming hot cup of strong coffee to start my day. Many of us depend on a comfort beverage like coffee, tea, milk, and vegan milk or fruit juice to boost our energy and up our moods during the day. Few people find it difficult to cope a challenging day without a cup of the beverage they love. We all have it our minds to sip something freshly brewed when I want an external oomph to keep ourselves going. The beverage is all the while more important when we have a guest at home.

Everyday cooking involves planning, prepping and execution. One task that is mostly never skipped every time we make food in kitchen is chopping vegetables, greens, fruits or meat. We need to be very well equipped with kitchen tools to efficiently perform prepping. Right tools to perform every part of prepping is a necessity to function smoothly.

It is known fact that pressure cookers are wonder kitchen equipment that makes cooking faster and healthier as well. There is 90% nutrient retention when you cook in a pressure cooker. What if I told you that there is a pressure cooker that you can use in the microwave?

Crash Diets are quick fixes that work in the short term, but eventually lead to weight gain and larger health problems

Build core strength and improve your posture with these easy to perform plank exercises

You don’t need to binge on eggs and meat to pack on muscle. Try these protein rich vegetarian food items to build muscle

Some people may prefer the taste of white, but brown rice scores better when it comes to nutritional value and digestion

Apart from helping you relax, these five simple breathing techniques work as preventive measures

Rich in flavour, Vitamin A, potassium and fiber, sweet potato packs a powerful nutritional punch.

In most of our trips to properties the first thing that catches our eye is the dining room and the kitchen. These are the two most important places in every home with kids, parents and extended family. Be it studying with kids, having family dinners and cooking along with your family, the life simply revolves around these two rooms.

How often do you make this vegetable at home? We all know that bitter gourd is freely available especially in indian market, and we can buy this round the year. Most of the families have a small percentage of people liking and eating this vegetable with love. Attributed to its innate bitterness, bitter gourd is had sparsely than the other vegetables that are included in our daily diet. Here are the nutritional benefits of eating karela.

Any time is perfect time to have a fun day out with the family, but picnics during summers have got to be our favourite. The luscious green parks, the glorious sun, the chirping birds et al, make summers beautiful, and a season to look forward to. Picnics with family at this time are the most fun. The elders can choose to relax and get some much needed break, and the kids can play to their hearts' content.

But what makes picnics all the more exciting is a basket filled with lip smackingly delicious food!

Thai Cuisine is a favorite at Indian homes, primarily because it is packed with flavors from the lemon grass, basil and spices along with coconut milk. Thai cuisine is also one of the few Asian cuisines that use an abundance of vegetables making it very light and friendly to the palate. But not every time, it becomes easy for us to make exotic meals at home. 

Eating out, attending parties or hosting few, especially when you are a foodie- might add in significant amount of heaviness and laze to the body. This is usually due to over consumption of nutrition than the body requires. This laze and heaviness affects most to those who maintain a healthy lifestyle otherwise, by having a cautious eye on what they consume everyday. The need to get all the over loaded proteins and fat out of our body gets shown in the decreased ease to perform normal activities of the day, or eruption on skin, or gastritis. Also, it is good for the body to go through the detox routine once in a month just to keep our bodies rejuvenated and fresh.

Build core strength and improve your posture with these easy to perform plank exercises

The leftover liquid when the curdled milk is strained (or milk solids separated) is called whey. Whey is blessed with easily absorbable proteins than milk, like α-lactalbumin & β-lactoglobulin. Whey can be the leftover of hung yogurt, chena (paneer), or clabbered raw milk (Clabbered milk is the unboiled milk for 18-24 hours and allowing milk to naturally coagulate).

Boosting digestive function and improving immunity, probiotic drinks are the new health beverages to indulge in.

Superfoods rich in Omega 3 and soluble fiber must be incorporated in your weekly menu to keep your heart healthy and strong

There can’t be a fun party without some epic food to make it just right. EventsHigh presents some of the most awesome, happening parties in town that have some taste tinglers on their food menu. The best part is, they’re not even going to burn a hole in your pocket. Check these out!