Peels and skins from fruits and vegetables can be consumed and used in cooking.This is a great way we dramatically reduce the amount of food waste we dump into our earth, which causes a huge amount of pollution. This article you will learn how you can use the peels and skins of vegetables in multiple ways.

Food waste is a very large problem in every home. With an average of at least 3 meals a day in affluent homes, not limiting the number of snacks and fruits that get eaten everyday. In times of crisis like we are going through right now with Coronavirus (Covid 2020), we need to think of multiple ways we can reduce contamination, garbage disposal and minimum contact with external garbage which is getting dumped on the streets and roads.

Hi , I need your help today. I have this simple survey link below, where I am looking to understand the masalas you use and also the healthy snacks you will like to have handy at home. Thank you so much for all your help in advance. Please do take the time to fill this survey. 

Sedentary lifestyle and work is tipping most people into obesity and increasing all risks of diabetes, high blood pressure and other health problems. One of the ways that you can control all the above is by eating healthy. Instead of having three large meals and overeating at meal times, it is better to break down your meals into five smaller meals. Two of which should have small and healthy snacks.

Thank you for registering for the Live Cooking Session. You will receive more details in an email shortly (in 24 hours) about live cooking class along with the ingredients to cook along.

We love making new connections, friendships and relationships and Nescafé coffee does just that. It was a bright Monday morning, when we began our journey to explore the Demo Farm of the world's favorite coffee - Nescafé. Simply driving into Nescafé's coffee farm in Kushalnagar, Coorg brought in a sense of awe and admiration for the brand. The idea of the trip was to show us the process of how coffee is grown and processed. It was great to see first hand what went into making that perfect cup of coffee! 

To put out healthy wholesome meals at home for your family, we need to have our preparation done. Right from planning menus for the meals, to having all the ingredients in place, a lot of coordination is required for this.  Above all, grocery shopping needs to be done from time to time, of fresh produce and dry ingredients required to put out a meal. 

No Indian kitchen is complete without this one essential that make or break our ''Rasoi'.Our Indian Food is packed with flavours not just with simple onion-tomato base but with our masalas that add punch to the dishes.This quintessential dabba is our go to when putting together each meal - it has an array of spices both whole spices and powdered spices, all arranged in one single dabba, making it easier to reach out to the spices every time we cook.

Setting up a new home and a kitchen requires planning. And if you love cooking or plan to get into it, then a fully set up kitchen with all the essential pots, pan, utensils, ladles, spoons tools etc is extremely essential for everyday cooking. So this article, has been meticulously written for you to plan and shop the various kitchen tools and utensils that are needed for an Indian kitchen.

I was in Goa on Saturday July 21st 2018 to celebrate the Joy of Cooking of a home chef Rita Shinde. I absolutely love it when women take up their passion to do something they love. Being in Goa to celebrate this journey was just simply wonderful.

Hing or asafoetida is the dried and powdered resin which is native to Iran and Afghanistan but now mainly cultivated in India. It is one of the important kitchen ingredients used in many Indian recipes. Asafoetida in its raw form is sold as blocks which look like pieces of shiny of resin. However in the stores it is more commonly found in it's powdered form.

Every recipe will speak volumes of itself, if the image of the finished recipe looks simple to make & appetizing to eat. Food Photographs are very important for a recipe. A person will come to look at your product or recipe only if it displays a photograph that is plated well and looks clean. This article has a few simple tips that we use at Archana's Kitchen to take pictures. Ever Since the advent of smartphones with great cameras, we have begin using our phones to take pictures of the food we cook in our test kitchen or even when Archana cooks the food at her home.

I was surfing through the TV channels to see if there was any interesting cooking show, I found something really fun.

It was a cooking show called The Chefs' Line. It’s an Australian series of the Reality Cooking Show which is about Home Chefs competing with Professional Chefs. This show is being aired on Zee Café at 9:00 PM Monday to Friday. If you ever get a chance to watch this show, do watch it – it’s fun and there is something new to learn in every episode

If you are a food lover looking to indulge in some sinfully delicious food in the city, while partying this New Year’s Eve, we know just exactly where you need to be at. A New Year Party in Bangalore was never more interesting than when you get to look forward to digging into some scrumptious food, straight from the kitchens of the city's finest Chefs! We're here to bust some food menu surprises so you know what you need to dig into first at these parties with lip-smacking delicious food!

As we dig deeper, we get to know that there are sub roots of the main roots in a tree. These may be invisible for naked eye on a first glance when dug, but are really necessary for each root to be feeding to the growth of the tree. Likewise, every major regional cuisine has sub branches within it that make the cuisine valued. South Indian cuisine bears many smaller cuisines within that are lesser known but are definitely distinct. Ingredients are unique to each sub cuisine and the method of cooking varies with a precise preconception about the specific taste that it will impart when added at a specific stage of cooking a recipe.

No visit to Bangalore is complete without a trip to the newly opened Tata Cha, a beautiful cafe on 12th Main, Indiranagar in Bangalore. With beautiful interiors inspired with a very Indian touch and yet a very aspirational feel to make it a great place to hangout with family, friends or even an office meeting.

Disciplining children is an important activity every parent is challenged with.  Be it your 2-year-old child or a 12-year-old, discipline is extremely important to bring in peace and harmony into home.

However, as parents we often tend to get into a negative disciplining mode, where there are more NO's in the vocabulary as opposed to being positive.

The golden coloured jelly like slow flowing honey when falls on the tongue gives a sweet and mildly warm sensation that induces a satiation to our sweet tooth. A lot of us know that the honey is good for health but have not made a conscious effort to have it regularly or research deep to enlighten more of the benefits that are associated with it. So, here is an article that throws some light on the health benefits and also on the ways in which you can consume it other than plain honey.

Calcium is one of the most talked nutrients because of its widely known prominence. Most of us are aware that we need calcium to build stronger bones and teeth. Let us dive in more to find out everything about calcium and what the insufficient intake of calcium might lead to. There are other benefits of calcium beyond bones and let us get to know that. This article explain why calcium is important, sources to fulfil its requirement and recipes that calcium can be derived from.

Soybean, native to China since 13000 years, was unknown to the West as an edible bean until almost the dawn of 20 th century. Soy bean was considered a fodder food till then in West. Only after the goodness of soy came to limelight is when the West became curious about this legume and started considering this as a food.

Yoga demands a total mind, body, spirit approach, so even a 10-minute ‘micro session’ can do wonders for your health