One way to live a healthy lifestyle is to practise Portion Control Meals for your everyday meals. Having a little of different Sabzis, Dals and Legumes, helps us to get the nutritional intake for the day. But, when we eat in portions during our meals, we tend to get hungry very soon and that is where comes the SNACKS. There are variety of snacks that you can eat in between your meals or whenever you feel hungry. 

Gourds of all kinds rule summer, be it Bottle Gourd or Lauki, Ridge Gourd or Tori, Ash Gourd or White Pumpkin and Pointed Gourd or Parwal. Most gourds are mild in flavour and are perfect to make during summers because they are light and easy to digest.

PICKLE, is a must condiment in almost every Indian household and is served along with the meals or Parathas. Pickle in India is a medley of spices, chopped fruits and vegetables, which are often preserved with varying amounts of salt and oil. Sweet, spicy, tangy or sour, there are thousands of recipes from state to state that differs in taste and flavour.

Lunch Box planning is very essential, as it helps us to plan healthy, delicious and nutritious meals. Planning an Office Lunch Box helps us to pack a variety of food, so that it does not become boring and we do not repeat the same food again for the week. Also packing different types of vegetables provides us the required nutrition for our body. Therefore, we have come up with 12 delicious and healthy Britannia Lunch Box videos for you, that you can try for your everyday Office Lunch Box.

Ramadan, which is also called as Ramzan, is the holy ninth month of Islamic Calendar, where Muslims all over the world keep fast, called as ROZA and break it before sunrise and after sunset. During this holy month of Ramadan, people abstain from eating food from sunrise to sunset and also give up all the personal desires. During the fasting, people consume only two meals a day, one is before the sunrise which is called as the “Suhoor”, and the latter is after the sunset which is called as “Iftar”.

The month of Ramadan is going on! This festival brings a lot of delicious food along with it, that is cooked in every Muslim household and enjoyed with family before sunrise and after sunset. Also, the streets are full of delicious traditional food items such as Biryani, Kebabs, Spring Rolls, Stuffed Tandoori Parathas, Samosas, Mithais etc, which are absolutely lip smacking. 

Grapes is one such fruit that is loved by everyone, from adults to children. The sweet and tart taste of these grapes can also be used in making different delicious recipe. Grapes have been around since ages, and is mostly eaten fresh but it is also used to make wine, jams, jellies, vinegar and grape seeds oil.

Grapes comes in beautiful colors of green, red, black, purple and now even white which is genetically modified from the purple grape. There is nothing like the sweet tart flavors of grapes. Glistening shiny grapes are always so inviting and to satisfy your grape cravings here are some delicious grape recipes for you that you can make at home.

Moong Beans also known as Green Gram or Sabut Moong Dal in Hindi, is a legume which is usually cultivated in India and south east Asia. It is an ingredient which is diabetic friendly, full of plant based protein, high in fiber and other important nutrients. It can be used in both savoury and sweet dishes and here we have a collection of delicious green moong dal whole and split recipes which you can make for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. 

When we talk about Punjabi Breakfast, what comes to our mind first? Parathas! Those delicious and mouthwatering Stuffed Parathas topped with a lots of homemade Butter also called as Makhan in Hindi.

Soft and Succulent pieces of Mutton in fiery and spicy Red Gravy, that is how we define LAAL MAAS, which is a very popular dish in Rajasthan. Just like Dal Baati Churma is a must have in Rajasthan, Laal Maas is another dish that you must try if you visit any city in Rajasthan. It is a heart of every Non Vegetarian meal, that will surely satisfy your taste buds to the T.

Salads are a versatile and nutritious addition to any meal, often serving as a refreshing side dish or a light main course. While many of us stick to a few familiar recipes, there’s a whole world of exciting and flavorful high-protein salads waiting to be discovered. These salads are not only delicious but also pack a punch when it comes to nutrition.

Capsicum also known as Bell Peppers in English and Shimla Mirch in Hindi comes in various beautiful colors of green, red and yellow. Available throughout the year and grown around the globe, this vegetable is hardly eaten on its own. Usually cooked along with other vegetables, the capsicum adds great flavour, slight spiciness and a lovely crunch to any dish. Here we have some amazingly tasty North Indian dry and gravy recipes to include this nutritious vegetable in your diet.

Cabbage is a versatile vegetable which is great for salads. The crunch of cabbage adds texture and its slightly spicy zingy flavour is a star in most salads. Coleslaw is one of the most common cabbage salads that is made with our Continental meals. Most fast food joints or restaurant serves a good helping of coleslaw as a salad to fried foods and burgers. Cabbage is so versatile and goes well with any dressing and so to add more variety to your diet here are some delightful cabbage salad meals that you can try which will satisfy your taste buds.

Jaggery or Gur, is a traditional sweetener used all over India in different traditional recipes. Not only in recipes, it is also used in medicines for its various benefits. This sweet super food is great ingredient to be included in your daily diet. Our elders used to eat a small piece of jaggery usually at the end of a meal and especially during winters as jaggery is loaded with antioxidants and minerals hence building stronger immunity.

Broccoli, one of the most nutritious vegetables that is available in the market and is used widely in many households. Many of us avoid the humble broccoli especially kids and find it as a punishment to eat this super healthy vegetable. Here are some amazing Indian recipes to include this super food into your regular diet which will change the way you look at broccoli.

Ayurvedic Food, a traditional way of cooking and using the ingredients which are fresh and has many health benefits. It is a way of cooking recipes and guides for every dosha constitution - vata, pitta, and kapha. Therefore, we thought of making a simple Salad recipe which is Ayurvedic and has a lot of health benefits.

Breakfast, which means breaking the fast, is considered as the most important meal of the day. When it comes to breakfast, we have many options that we can make, some very easy that we usually chose for our weekdays and some which are a little complicated, we save up for our weekends, as we have more time to cook during those days.

Rolls or Wraps, one of those dishes that are perfect for your Weeknight Dinners, Brunch or for your Tea Time Snacks. Wraps/Rolls is a delicious dish where a bread is stuffed with a filling made of Vegetables, Paneer, Chicken, Mutton and other fillings, rolled to perfection and served. They are also flavoured with different types of sauces and spices to give it extra taste and make them more delicious.

Pineapple is mostly available all throughout the year. Pineapple is a tropical fruit which is both sweet and tangy and makes a great dessert. Adding it into cakes, muffins and pralines not only adds a crunch and texture but also a nice taste to them. Make pineapple desserts for your next kids party or a potluck and they will surely be a hit with your guests.

To get a pleasant break from our Indian khana, its a great idea to try out these fried rice recipes in your kitchen, that can be stir fried and ready in a jiffy.For those unplanned days, when you can't think of what to make for your family, yet you'd like to make it interesting and nutritious for the kids, these fried rice recipes, that are pure vegetarian will come to your rescue.

Right from the time that they are babies to the teen years and until they become full grown adults, calcium plays a significant role in the growth of children. Growing children need an adequate amount of calcium to build strong bones which in turn helps build muscle strength.

Talk about appetizers and sides to our main meals, often we like something wholesome and sumptuous. When it's non vegetarian, our choices are vary from eggs, chicken, mutton or even seafood like fish, prawns and much more. There's nothing really that can replace a spicy masala fish fry.

Amla also known as Indian Gooseberry is a fruit which is a superfood. Sour and astringent in flavour it is commonly had with some salt and chilies. You can find gooseberry sold in many street side shops in a brine water solution. Considered sacred in India it is said to almost cures every disease and is also good in extending the longevity of life.

Corn also known as Maize is highly popular world wide. It is the most cultivated plant surpassing rice and wheat in the Americas. In India sweet corn is a really popular and you can find sweet corn being sold either boiled or roasted on coal. Have it plain or slathered and mixed with different spices either way corn is a versatile grain ( vegetable) and takes on the flavors of the spices really well.