Come dinner parties and house parties, we begin planning our menus, from the drinks to dessert, that includes short eats, appetizers, main course and the sweet dish. Each of us feel good, when the food we have cooked and put out is appreciated. 

What's a chilly windy evening, while you watch it rain outside your window, snuggled up with your quilt, with socks and a sweater on, while watching Netflix, no points of guessing that all that's really missing here is a sinful bowl of decadent saucy dessert right out of the oven, served to you with a scoop of ice cream.  

When we talk about main course, there are so many options which belongs to different regions from India. But what if you get hungry in between these heavy meals? The answer is snacks. We think this is the best way to satisfy your hunger when you are hungry in between the meals.

We are often found in a fix, when planning meals ! What shall we make for breakfast, lunch and dinner?! Then comes the most challenging of them all, snacks. We want to provide our family with wholesome nutritious meals that taste great without compromising on anything, be it the taste or the nutrients required. 

Come 15th August of the year 2018, we will be celebrating 72 years of Independence, since the first time in 1947. Our sense of patriotism, tends to be awakened during this national festivals if not otherwise. There's a sense of pride when you look back at our rich culture and heritage, that includes the regional festivals we follow, to our food and culture, rituals and routines, to the attire we wear.  

It is one pan called in different names! You might have seen this Kuzhi Paniyaram or Appe Pan used by your mother or grandmother in the kitchen for making breakfast. The Paniyaram pan will become your favourite utensil in the kitchen once you start using them in your everyday cooking.

Biryani ! A lot of us just read/hear/say the word and our mouth begins to water. A rice reparation that needs no introduction. A biryani like we all know, is made by putting together cooked rice in layers along with cooked masaledar vegetables or meat. It is a staple across the Indian continent, and each region has its own speciality. 

Have you ever experienced that you are on a road trip and craving for some lip smacking food which will satisfy your taste buds? Well, I do experience it a lot and the best part about these road trips are that I get to eat at the roadside dhabas, which serves some mouth watering food.

Dals are an integral part of the Indian diet. A major source of protein, that the vegetarians use in their everyday meals. The variety of dals are endless. From moong dal to toor dal and chana to rajma, the list is endless. 

Sow what you eat and eat what you sow. We often have discussions and debates about how good the vegetables bought in the supermarkets or online stores look and have the tendency to think that these are often sprayed with chemicals and pesticides, to make them look appealing to us. However many a times this is not true.

Have you bought a Cast Iron pan and wondering what to cook using them? Then here you go, we have made a selection of Ingredients that your cast iron pan can be put to use. It is must to invest at least one cast Iron pan for your kitchen. This will come in handy to make any dish in one pot for a quick meals.

A versatile tropical region ingredient, coconut is a fruit. First grows out on a coconut tree as a tender coconut, which is harvested and dried out. The husk is then removed and the brown coconut shell is found. Inside this shell is the fresh coconut with coconut water on the inside.  There are various ways to use all the different parts of this humble coconut.  From the coconut husk, the shell to coconut oil, and the coconut flesh to coconut milk.  Coconut Milk is one such ingredient, that brings out great flavours, when used in any dish, belonging to any cuisine from a Thai curry to a Kerala Vegetable Stew 

Italian cuisine, is one of those International cuisines which is everyone's favourite. From the creamy Pasta and Risotto to crunchy and gooey Pizza, each and every dish is full of flavour and taste. One thing which is a must in all our parties and get togethers is Pizza, because there is no doubt that anyone will not like it. One thing, which is a must in these recipes which makes it more delicious is Cheese. There are many types of Cheese that are used in these recipes such as Mozzarella, Parmesan etc. And not to forget, we do love our Bread Stick and Bruschetta which is served as a side dish in these Italian meals.

Chinese cuisine holds a special place in our hearts across India—it’s our go-to choice for dining out or enjoying a quick bite on the streets. When it comes to flavors that pack a punch, Indo-Chinese cuisine takes the cake. Originating from Kolkata and spread across the country, it’s a fusion that spices up traditional Chinese dishes to suit our desi taste buds, making them irresistibly spicy and flavorful.

As much as all of us like a lovely tasting meal, that's packed with flavours, spicy hot meals be it vegetables or meat, Indian or Continental, what we all like the most is that last course of the meal which is the sweet dish or dessert as we call it.  Something all of us look forward to, be it adults or kids. 

The royal state of India, Rajasthan is known for its culture, tradition and history. It is one of those states which comes into our mind immediately when we think about taking a vacation. But what is it, that makes it so special! Besides historic forts, beautiful palaces and sand dunes, there is one thing that differentiates Rajasthan from other states of India. THAT IS FOOD!

 Most of us in India like our food to be robust, packed with flavours that is spicy hot. Be it our own Indian cuisine or any other cuisine that needs to be made palatable for us. We like it to be masaledar and chatpata. In this article you will find some of the best chilli sauces that will add flavor your food and make you look like a master chef.

Darshinis are always a saviour for people who seek to have quick bite for their breakfast. After going for your morning walk in the park, the next stop that most of the people would love to hang out is these Darshini’s which are set up in most of the places.

Bread, is one of the most common Breakfast items that is used in almost every home. Many of us buy it from market and some who love baking make fresh homemade breads. Here in this article, you will find ways you can use bread in many ways and make a delicious weekend breakfast that you can serve with some eggs, fruits or even potatoes.

Dietary Fibre is a common term used in food which is a type of carbohydrate that we consume on a daily basis. Anything eaten at the right proportion is beneficial for our body, so therefore dietary fibre when consumed at right amount will help to provide certain health benefits.

Each region across the world has its own style of cooking practices and traditions, which often correlates to its culture. Cuisines around the world have different influences over them , they use varied ingredients, which result in an array of food profiles from textures to flavours and they way they are eaten and their appropriate pairings. 

Spice mix are one of the cherished recipes that Indians have been using from time memorial. India is known to use their spice to the maximum level in their curries, gravies, meat dishes and any sides. Every household will have their authentic way of making a spice mix and storing it in a huge container for their daily use.

Crispy crunchy shells filled with beans, veggies or meat, with flavourful condiments, topped with some fresh salad and not to forget the cheese, Tacos are easily the most liked Mexican dish by us Indians. It gives us so much room to innovate and play around with fillings and flavours, fill them in hard taco shells or just soft tortillas be it whole wheat or gluten free corn tortillas. 

When hunger creeps in during the evening time, the first thing that would come to anyone's mind are these hot steamed momos which every street in India sells now. The love for momos is endless, be it any filling of your choice. It is a common sight to see a roadside vendor who would have prepared a bunch of different types of momo and be ready to serve quickly by heating them in a hot cylindrical steamer.