Sheetal Bhatt

I am Sheetal Bhatt, a development professional turned home baker and now a food blogger at The food philosophy I practice is the one I have grown up with - ‘less is more’ and ‘we are what we eat’ and foods cooked at home were reflection of the same as well - simple, fresh and wholesome. Simple, earthy and soulful foods have always appealed me and some of the best foods I have had are ones at the homes of the communities I worked with in rural Gujarat. ‘theroute2roots’ is our effort to explore, celebrate and document the native food and craft traditions, particularly of Gujarat, the state we belong to. The need to photograph my bakes and the food I cooked for the blog also introduced me to the world of food photography, the craft that I am self-learning. Along with food blogging and learning food photography I continue to work as a freelance development consultant.
Sheetal Bhatt on the web