10 Lip Smacking Pineapple Desserts For a Refreshing Taste

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Pineapple is mostly available all throughout the year. Pineapple is a tropical fruit which is both sweet and tangy and makes a great dessert. Adding it into cakes, muffins and pralines not only adds a crunch and texture but also a nice taste to them. Make pineapple desserts for your next kids party or a potluck and they will surely be a hit with your guests.

Pineapples are rich in nutrients and help boost the immune system as pineapples contain high amounts of  vitamin C and manganese, build strong bones and aid indigestion. Pineapples are also significantly low in calories. They also have dietary fiber which is good for you.

Most pineapples are harvested when they are ripe they may vary in colour according to the region where they are grown from yellow to green so you do have to wait for a green pineapple to turn yellow as that might end up spoiling a pineapple. Green pineapples are sweet as well. Do not buy pineapples and store them for too long. Cut them within a day or two. If you do not find fresh pineapples then you can use canned pineapples as well though they will not give you the same freshness.

While cutting a pineapple use a sharp knife. Chop the leaves and the bottom off a pineapple and keep it upright before cutting. Make sure you do not slice too much of the skin out. 

Here we have some of our favourite pineapple dessert recipes that you can make for any occasion.